ab wheel

Core Workout 2/27/14

My life has been pretty hectic lately, so I have been designing efficient and effective home workout routines.  After several hours studying yesterday for my personal trainer certification, I needed a good core workout to work out those kinks in my back and strengthen my abdominal muscles.  I utilized some basic equipment I keep on hand for home workouts.

Core Workout Equipment

Core Workout Equipment


All of these items can be found at your local sporting goods store, big box retailer or Amazon.com):  

  1. Gymboss Interval timer
  2. Ab Wheel
  3. Stability Ball
  4. Medicine Sand Ball
  5. Kettlebell 




I was able to perform this routine in roughly 30 minutes and definitely feel the “GOOD” soreness in my abs today! 😀

30 Minute Core Workout

30 Minute Core Workout

30 Minute Core Training

3 Rounds ( So, Set Interval Timer for 30 seconds WORK, 30 seconds REST  30 SETS)

  1. Ab Wheel Rollouts
  2. Spiderman Planks **
  3. Boat Pose (optional: w/ weight) 
  4. Punch Planks**
  5. Side Planks w/ Rotation (***Make sure to switch to the other side before moving onto the next exercise***)
  6. Walking Planks**
  7. V-Ups (optional: w/ weight)
  8. Shoulder Tap Planks**
  9. V-Ups w/ Stability Ball (Passing ball between hands and calves)
Boat Pose

Boat Pose

V-Ups with Stability Ball

V-Ups with Stability Ball


**To make the exercise more challenging, use stairs, chair or bench to put you into a decline position.  Boat Pose and V-Ups with weights are optional-they will add more challenge**





I followed this workout with some self massaging using my Trigger Point Grid Foam Roller.

Enjoy! 😀


Bootylicious Workout

Earlier this week, I had a very hectic schedule so I did many of my workouts from home.  If you’re time crunched, money strapped, or just need an efficient lower body workout, then this is the workout for you!

Some of my exercise equipment: stability ball, foam roller, medicine ball, ab wheel, BOSU, TRX Bands

Some of my exercise equipment: stability ball, foam roller, medicine ball, ab wheel, BOSU, TRX Bands

These exercises can be done with just your body weight or you can use a BOSU ball, stability ball, TRX bands, medicine ball or ab wheel like I used.

Bootylicious Workout



Warm Up: 50 Mountain Climbers

  • (25 ea. leg) Walking Lunges with Trunk Rotation- Can use weighted medicine ball.  Make sure to keep knee directly over your ankle.
  • (25) BOSU Squats- Beginner modification just use bodyweight.  Advanced-turn BOSU over so you are standing on the flat part of the BOSU and ball part is on the floor.
  • (25) Hamstring Curls on stability Ball- Lie on your back.  Feet on the ball, toes pointed to ceiling, lift hips up in bridge.  Keeping core tight, use your heels to draw ball towards your butt while still in bridge.
  • (25) Ab Rollouts with ab wheel.  Can also be performed using stability ball.
  • (25) Jump Squats.  Beginner modification: Just squat with bodyweight remembering to push butt back like you are sitting in a chair.  Keep your knees directly in line with ankles.  Advanced: Use TRX Bands.
  • (15) Burpees
  • (25) Mountain Climbers
  • (45 Sec.) Wall Sits.  Keep back flat against wall by tucking in pelvis.  Get low like you are in chair.  Intermediate/Advanced:  Add weight to your thighs.
  • Run Tall Flight of Stairs- 10 times.  If you have small flight of stairs, run 20 times.
Sweat= Great Workout

Sweat= Great Workout

Rest 1 minute after circuit.

Repeat circuit 1-2 more times.