The Happiness Project

I have a happiness journal that I try to write in on a daily basis.  But, if I am honest with myself I would acknowledge that I am on my computer more than I am with some dead tree hanging out on my night stand.  So…I have decided what better place to continue my Happiness Project than on my blog!  

My goal is to inspire others to find what makes each of us happy: the weather, a smile from a stranger, matching socks, a hug from your child, finishing a project…We are all different and celebrating our differences and what brings us joy will make us appreciate each other more.

The Happiness Project Guidelines

  1. There are NO rules!  I really dislike when someone imposes a set of rules on me.  I like structure but the word “rules” irks me!
  2. Focus on a few things that make me smile that given day.  Some days I might have a lot and some days it just might be one thing.  BUT, there is ALWAYS something that makes each of us happy!
  3. Write it out DAILY.  It’s easy to think of something that makes each of us smile but writing down our happiness solidifies the thoughts in our brains.
  4. Have fun!!!

I hope you join me on this beautiful journey of happiness!  I look forward to reading daily happies!


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